On April 17, 2024, amidst the bustling energy of Times Square, New York City, Tunde Onakoya embarked on a remarkable mission—to break the Guinness World Record for the longest chess marathon without losing a single game. But his endeavor is about more than just achieving a personal milestone; it's about making a difference in the lives of children around the world. As Tunde tirelessly maneuvered his chess pieces, he also set his sights on a lofty fundraising goal: one million dollars for children's education. In a heartfelt tweet, he declared, "Our mission to raise a million dollars for children's education has become our top priority. This is our purpose, our reason for being here." This commitment to philanthropy underscores Tunde's belief in the transformative power of education, particularly for African children facing socio-economic challenges. With each move on the chessboard, he's also making strides towards providing access to quality education a...
Anger is an intense emotional state involving a strong uncomfortable and hostile response to a perceived provocation, hurt or threat. Anger can be a positive and useful emotion, if it is expressed appropriately.
Anger has destoryed many relationships, it has caused many misunderstanding because anger is the enemy of correct understanding. Uncontrolled anger pushes a person to act before the person thinks. When you don't manage your anger well, it make you not to acquire the right judgement, react rashly that you do not hear the voice of reason.
Negative effect of anger;
1. Anger causes headache; Research has shown that when your are angry muscles in the back of your neck and scalp tense up, causing a tight band like sensation around your head which causes headache.
2. Anger causes heart attack; Anger causes an outpouring of stress hormones which makes your heart beat faster.
Anger has destoryed many relationships, it has caused many misunderstanding because anger is the enemy of correct understanding. Uncontrolled anger pushes a person to act before the person thinks. When you don't manage your anger well, it make you not to acquire the right judgement, react rashly that you do not hear the voice of reason.
Negative effect of anger;
1. Anger causes headache; Research has shown that when your are angry muscles in the back of your neck and scalp tense up, causing a tight band like sensation around your head which causes headache.
2. Anger causes heart attack; Anger causes an outpouring of stress hormones which makes your heart beat faster.
3. Anger leads to high blood pressure; when you are angry your heart beats faster and increase your blood pressure.
4. Anger causes stroke; Anger cause the release of Adrenaline which cause disinhibition of impulse control that is secondary to brain lesions.
5. Anger can shorten your life; Anger causes heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure which may lead to sudden death.
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