On April 17, 2024, amidst the bustling energy of Times Square, New York City, Tunde Onakoya embarked on a remarkable mission—to break the Guinness World Record for the longest chess marathon without losing a single game. But his endeavor is about more than just achieving a personal milestone; it's about making a difference in the lives of children around the world. As Tunde tirelessly maneuvered his chess pieces, he also set his sights on a lofty fundraising goal: one million dollars for children's education. In a heartfelt tweet, he declared, "Our mission to raise a million dollars for children's education has become our top priority. This is our purpose, our reason for being here." This commitment to philanthropy underscores Tunde's belief in the transformative power of education, particularly for African children facing socio-economic challenges. With each move on the chessboard, he's also making strides towards providing access to quality education a...
Organic Food is a food produced by methods complying with the standards of organic farming; that is food been grown without the use of artificial chemicals, hormones, antibiotics or genetically modified organisms.
Benefits Of Organic Food
1. Organic food is good for your heart; an increased amount of time grazing on grass increases the amount of conjugated linoleic acid ( CLA ) that is found in dairy products and meat of farm animals. CLA is a heart health fatty acid that can boost cardiovascular protection in humans.
2. Organic Food is genetically modified free; Genetically modified organisms ( GMO ) food are plants or animals whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. GMO have been linked to infertility, intestinal damage, cancer and Alzheimer's allergies. GMO foods are harmful to our body and the best way to avoid it is consuming organic food.
3. Organic Food is free of artificial chemicals; chemicals such as fungicide, herbicide, pesticide, inorganic fertilizer and insecticide used in inorganic farming remain residues on and in the food we eat which can cause further complications and threats to your body.
4. Organic Foods are fresh and taste so good; organic food does not contain preservatives that will make it last longer, they are always fresh and fresh food tastes so good and are more nutritious.
5. Organic Food is good for the environment; organic food is produced by organic farming which harmful chemicals are not use in planting. It reduce pollution which may result by washing of the chemicals into the water, releasing of harmful gases into the air and damage to the soil.
Organic farming methods should be adopted by farmers to produce organic food free from harmful chemicals which are dangerous to our bodies and put us in the risk of diseases and side effects. The food we eat should not be genetically modified because they do more harm to our bodies. Start eating organic food; it is healthy, nutritious and it encourages environment free of pollution.
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