On April 17, 2024, amidst the bustling energy of Times Square, New York City, Tunde Onakoya embarked on a remarkable mission—to break the Guinness World Record for the longest chess marathon without losing a single game. But his endeavor is about more than just achieving a personal milestone; it's about making a difference in the lives of children around the world. As Tunde tirelessly maneuvered his chess pieces, he also set his sights on a lofty fundraising goal: one million dollars for children's education. In a heartfelt tweet, he declared, "Our mission to raise a million dollars for children's education has become our top priority. This is our purpose, our reason for being here." This commitment to philanthropy underscores Tunde's belief in the transformative power of education, particularly for African children facing socio-economic challenges. With each move on the chessboard, he's also making strides towards providing access to quality education a...
Lack of communication; communication is vital in a relationship, it is needful to express yourself when you don't like something your partner is doing instead of haboring pain in your heart which will lead to conflict and more misunderstanding.
Criticism; criticism is a habit that can slowly ruin your relationship. When you always insult your partner, it makes him or her angry. Destructive criticism makes your partner to have low self-esteem and the person feels his or she is not good for you.
Criticism; criticism is a habit that can slowly ruin your relationship. When you always insult your partner, it makes him or her angry. Destructive criticism makes your partner to have low self-esteem and the person feels his or she is not good for you.
Always blaming your partner; when you always blame your partner about everything that happen is always his or her fault. You always say "You caused it" or "If you know you should not have done it" It implies the person can not do anything good for you.
Uncontrolled anger; there is not perfect person, there is individual differences, when you don't tolerate your partner you get annoyed at any provocation and you react in uncontrolled anger you are creating more misunderstanding and even hurting your partner by your actions and words at the moment.
Always finding fault; when you are always a fault finder, you do not see or appreciate the things your partner have done. You will always find fault everything your partner do, you don't even encourage him or her it causes break up in relationship.
Lack of forgiveness; when you love, you learn to forgive but if you don't forgive it implies you don't love. Lack of forgiveness in relationship leads to more quarrel and cause negative feeling and actions.
Lack of trust; when you don't trust your partner you don't believe the person and you don't feel free.
Lying; when you lie to your partner it ends trust and it hurts him or her.
Lack of self confidence; lack of self confidence makes you think you are not attractive enough and it also makes you think your partner might be attracted to someone better than you. It makes you have the fear your partner will leave you for someone else.
Taking your partner for granted; you do not show interest it makes your partner feel not important, not wanted, not value and not loved.
Unnecessary jealousy; jealousy is as a result of insecurity and no trust in your partner. You think you partner is not royal to you. You don't like seeing your partner with someone just because of fear of losing him or her to the person. You always feel uncomfortable when your partner hangout with opposite sex.
Uncontrolled anger; there is not perfect person, there is individual differences, when you don't tolerate your partner you get annoyed at any provocation and you react in uncontrolled anger you are creating more misunderstanding and even hurting your partner by your actions and words at the moment.
Always finding fault; when you are always a fault finder, you do not see or appreciate the things your partner have done. You will always find fault everything your partner do, you don't even encourage him or her it causes break up in relationship.
Lack of forgiveness; when you love, you learn to forgive but if you don't forgive it implies you don't love. Lack of forgiveness in relationship leads to more quarrel and cause negative feeling and actions.
Lack of trust; when you don't trust your partner you don't believe the person and you don't feel free.
Lying; when you lie to your partner it ends trust and it hurts him or her.
Lack of self confidence; lack of self confidence makes you think you are not attractive enough and it also makes you think your partner might be attracted to someone better than you. It makes you have the fear your partner will leave you for someone else.
Taking your partner for granted; you do not show interest it makes your partner feel not important, not wanted, not value and not loved.
Unnecessary jealousy; jealousy is as a result of insecurity and no trust in your partner. You think you partner is not royal to you. You don't like seeing your partner with someone just because of fear of losing him or her to the person. You always feel uncomfortable when your partner hangout with opposite sex.
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