On April 17, 2024, amidst the bustling energy of Times Square, New York City, Tunde Onakoya embarked on a remarkable mission—to break the Guinness World Record for the longest chess marathon without losing a single game. But his endeavor is about more than just achieving a personal milestone; it's about making a difference in the lives of children around the world. As Tunde tirelessly maneuvered his chess pieces, he also set his sights on a lofty fundraising goal: one million dollars for children's education. In a heartfelt tweet, he declared, "Our mission to raise a million dollars for children's education has become our top priority. This is our purpose, our reason for being here." This commitment to philanthropy underscores Tunde's belief in the transformative power of education, particularly for African children facing socio-economic challenges. With each move on the chessboard, he's also making strides towards providing access to quality education a...
Love is a strong feeling and deep affection toward someone. Love is an evidence of what you feel for someone. If you say you love someone then there must be something to show for it. If she truly love you, she will do the following;
1. She will forgive your mistakes:
If she loves you, she wouldn't find it hard to forgive your mistakes. She loves you that's why she look beyond your mistakes and show love and affection toward you. She allows herself to stay vulnerable with hope for a better you and she doesn't over react to your mistakes and provocations.
2. She encourages and supports your dreams:
She encourages you to achieve your dreams and goals, when you feel you have lost touch of your dreams, she tells you, you can do it. She always got your back even when you want to give up, she motivates you to keep on trying. She supports you with time and ideas to make sure you achieve your aim.
3. She loves spending time with you:
One of the signs she loves you is loving spending time with you and always wants to see you. Despite her busy schedule, she makes out time to be with you. She loves you that's why she enjoys your company and create more bonds with you.
4. She wants to know more about you:
She ask you questions about your family, your friends and your personal life, she wants to know more about you. To know if you are worth trusting, she loves you and want to be with someone she really knows.
5. She remember things you tell her:
If she really loves you, she would remember things you told her in pervious conversation and she pays attention to things you tell her. She remembers your birthday, your favorite colours, your favorite meal, your favorite movie etc. Little things she remembers and do for you shows she is in love with you.
6. She will miss your presence:
Love is missing someone whenever you are apart.... - Kay Knudsen
The reason why she misses you is because she loves you. She misses out with you, being around you and she tells you how much she misses you because you are special to her.
7. She makes effort to look good for you:
When she tries to impress you with her beauty and gets your attention, it shows she love you. She works on her body shape to look attractive, she dress better to look good and presentable to you.
8. She is happy being around you:
If she is happy and enjoys every moment with you, it's clear she loves you. How do I know if she is happy being around me? Her attitude, the way she talks and the character she displays will show if she is really happy or just pretending around you.
9. She cares about you:
Does she call, text and check on you to know how you are doing? Is she concerned and interested in your well being? If yes, she loves you.
Any question or opinions? Drop them in the comment section below.
1. She will forgive your mistakes:
If she loves you, she wouldn't find it hard to forgive your mistakes. She loves you that's why she look beyond your mistakes and show love and affection toward you. She allows herself to stay vulnerable with hope for a better you and she doesn't over react to your mistakes and provocations.
2. She encourages and supports your dreams:
She encourages you to achieve your dreams and goals, when you feel you have lost touch of your dreams, she tells you, you can do it. She always got your back even when you want to give up, she motivates you to keep on trying. She supports you with time and ideas to make sure you achieve your aim.
3. She loves spending time with you:
One of the signs she loves you is loving spending time with you and always wants to see you. Despite her busy schedule, she makes out time to be with you. She loves you that's why she enjoys your company and create more bonds with you.
4. She wants to know more about you:
She ask you questions about your family, your friends and your personal life, she wants to know more about you. To know if you are worth trusting, she loves you and want to be with someone she really knows.
5. She remember things you tell her:
If she really loves you, she would remember things you told her in pervious conversation and she pays attention to things you tell her. She remembers your birthday, your favorite colours, your favorite meal, your favorite movie etc. Little things she remembers and do for you shows she is in love with you.
6. She will miss your presence:
Love is missing someone whenever you are apart.... - Kay Knudsen
The reason why she misses you is because she loves you. She misses out with you, being around you and she tells you how much she misses you because you are special to her.
7. She makes effort to look good for you:
When she tries to impress you with her beauty and gets your attention, it shows she love you. She works on her body shape to look attractive, she dress better to look good and presentable to you.
8. She is happy being around you:
If she is happy and enjoys every moment with you, it's clear she loves you. How do I know if she is happy being around me? Her attitude, the way she talks and the character she displays will show if she is really happy or just pretending around you.
9. She cares about you:
Does she call, text and check on you to know how you are doing? Is she concerned and interested in your well being? If yes, she loves you.
Any question or opinions? Drop them in the comment section below.
DeleteBeautiful piece, Nenye.